برای بستن ESC را فشار دهید


1 مقاله

اردشیر نویدی

بیوگرافی اردشیر نویدی

| زمینه تخصصی: خواننده، نوازنده

| ژانر کاری: پاپ

| سال شروع کاری: 1375

| ساز تخصصی: کیبورد

اردشیر نویدی، Ardeshir Navidi، متولد 21 آذرماه 1364 از تهران خواننده و موسیقی دان می باشد. وی ورزشکار بوده و در رشته های هاپکیدو و شنا نیز مهارت دارد. از نه سالگی عرصه ورود به موسیقی برایش فراهم شد و نوازندگی کیبورد و ارگ را نیز از همان زمان شروع به فراگیری کرد. فوق لیسانس معماری دارد. اطراف نام اولین |آهنگ وی می باشد و سپس موزیک هایی نظیر زخم و .. را به بازار موسیقی عرضه کرده است.

Ardeshir Navidi was born on December 12, 1985 in Tehran. He is the last child of the family, he was engaged in hapkido from 2013 to 2013, but in 2013, due to a leg injury, he left this field and then started swimming
Ardeshir was 9 years old on his sister’s birthday. He got acquainted with the keyboard or the organ and gradually became interested in the instrument and music With a university photography diploma, he studied  architecture at the postgraduate level
Ardeshir Navidi gradually showed more interest in the art of singing, but because of his dreams, he finally immigrated to Istanbul, Turkey in 2016. In 2017, he sang his first song called “Atraf” with arrangements and lyrics by Peyman Ashrafi unofficially, but due to the start of the pandemic, he did not receive the desired reception in terms of the number of listeners, and due to emotional damage from this issue, the duration of 2 The year he left the music field, Ardeshir Navidi finally entered the world of Iranian pop music once again in 1400, with 4 songs written by Mohsen Majidi and arranged by Parham Salimi.
The last official single announced by Ardeshir Navidi with a music video in a cafe atmosphere and a drum style was a new resonance for Ardeshir’s listeners.